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Top Health & Wellness Hacks For All Ages

Bike Trail

Make The Most  

Out of Life,

No Matter How Old You Are


My mission is to help others, at any age, live a life that is full of good health and an abundance of wellness. This starts very early in life and transitions into the retirement years. Being  prepared for all the excitement and adventures life has to offer, my intention is to share 'Top Health & Wellness Hacks' on how best to navigate through some of the roadblocks that could cause a detour on that journey. Without good health and wellness, it is harder to achieve personal goals.

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Hi, I’m Sally

My Areas of Focus


Financial Freedom

After a number of years of  being retired from teaching Elementary School, I am excited to continue to educate and share with others my take on 'Financial Freedom'.  At times, the task of becoming financially free may be overwhelming. However, it is not as hard as you might think.  Preparation is important, of course, however, even if the years have snuck up on you, you still can take control. It's not really about where you are today, but more 'how do you get to where you want to be tomorrow'. Visit my Facebook Group 'Reaching for Financial Freedom' to get more tips and ideas on how best to prepare, financially, for your future.


Health & Fitness

All the money in the world will have little value if we do not take care of our Health.  This is more than just eating healthy, even though that is important.  It also includes making sure you have activity in your life, healthy relationships, and a sense of purpose. 

Regardless of your race, age, gender, etc. everyone has an equal opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle. It is my goal to share articles about healthy living and why it is so important. As an experienced Affiliate with My Daily Choice, I am also excited to share our latest information about the emerging Health & Wellness Industry....



One of my favorite quotes is, 'There are only 3 things in life you need to be happy: Something to do, Somebody to love, and Something to look forward to'  


If being happy is important to you and your family, it is imperative that you make sure you take good care of yourself, which includes achieving good financial health, physical health, and mental health. You are worth it! And, I hope that the information I share with you on this Blog will add value along the way.

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Top Health And Wellness Hacks
For All Ages

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Sally Chasm


Phone number: 321-276-3558

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