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5 Brain Tips to Keep Seniors Sharp

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Updated: Feb 29, 2024

Brain Health is critical during the aging process, and allows us to get the most out of our experiences during these years. What are some things you can do to improve your memory? What vitamins or supplements will support good Brain Health? What is the latest research from the field of Neurology that we need to be paying attention to?

Many of us that are living in our 'Golden Years' probably have felt some of the common changes in our brain that seem to come with the aging process. For the most part, it is normal to notice some forgetfulness along the way, along with some limitations in our physical activities, as well. However, the exciting news, is that there are things that we can do every day to lesson some of those changes and keep our brains a little 'sharper'.

5 Tips on How to Help Keep Your Body and Mind in Shape

Tip #1- Exercise Every Day

Even though we are talking about our brain/mind, NEVER forget that the body and brain are interconnected. What we do for our body is likely to benefit our memory and cognitive abilities, as well. No one is suggesting that seniors need to be running marathons (even though many do). Here is a list of activities you might want to get in the habit of doing. Don't be afraid to change it up a bit, just do something daily to boost your Brain Health.

  • Hiking Nature Trails

  • Tennis/Pickleball

  • Yoga/Tai Chi

  • Walking your dog

  • Water Aerobics/Swimming

  • Walking with the neighbors

  • Gardening

And, in another post on this blog I mention Silver Sneakers as a resource for activities. This is part of Medicare Advantage Insurance program for those 65 or over; and it is free. See more on my post How to Be an Active Senior at Home

Tip #2- Reading is Good For Your Brain

Memory improves when you read more. There are studies published that indicate that regular reading and writing, later in life ,may reduce the rate of memory decline by 32%. See suggestions below for reading ideas.

  • Join a book club at your church, social group or library

  • Read with your grandchildren

  • Subscribe to magazines or newspapers that interest you

  • Search topics online to read (gardening, politics, health, horses, romance)

  • Whatever you read, enjoy it...or find something else

  • Journal or keep a diary of things going on in your life

Tip #3- Stimulate the Brain by Eating the Right Foods

Be mindful of the food you put in your mouth. Are you aware that nuts, fish, and red wine have been linked to a Healthy Brain? And here is a list of foods that you may want to consider adding to your diet.

  • Salmon is filled with Omega-3 fatty acids, which are major building blocks of the brain.

  • Green tea is known to improves alertness and focus. Because Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease tend to show up more in older people, it's important to pay attention to foods that have ingredients that are known to reduce these risks. Green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, and research indicate that it may be beneficial to people at risk.

  • Eggs have many nutrients tied to brain health such as B6, B12, folate, and choline. This is known to help regulate mood and memory.

  • Blueberries contain antioxidants, which are tied to improving the communication between brain cells, delaying short-term memory loss, and reducing inflammation.

Tip #4-Get Restful Sleep Every Night

Did you know that adults 65 and older should aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night? Younger folks, between 26 and 64 years of age, have a goal to get seven to nine hours of sleep.

  • Go to bed at the same time each night: Consistency is important and can be achieved by sticking to a bedtime routine because it will help you sleep better overall. Don't change the routine on the weekend, either, remember your routines doesn't take the weekend off.

  • Avoid heavy food: Do you ever suffer some indigestion after going to bed? Eating large amounts of food can irritate your stomach, causing you to lose sleep. Instead, learn to have small snacks, like nuts or slices of fruit.

  • Limit stimulants: It's best to eliminate coffee, cola, cigarettes, and chocolate for up to four to six hours before bed.

  • Limit alcohol: If you are drinking alcohol at night, just be aware that it disrupts REM and slow-wave sleep, which are important for memory. You might think it doesn't effect you because you fall asleep 'right away', and then wake up abruptly and feel wide awake. It's that disruption that is not good for you. It’s best to avoid alcohol four to six hours before you retire for the night.

On a personal note, I use CBD Oil each night before I go to bed. I sleep great, wake up feeling very rested and have fewer aches and pains than I used to. I get my oil from a company that I am now with as an affiliate because of my satisfaction with their products. If you have any interest in checking out what I use, click here for CBD products I use.

Tip #5-Play games, alone or with others

Growing up, I always remember playing games (card games, board games, I spy games) with my grandparents. I'm not sure they did it because they were wanting to improve their brain power, but it's just what we did growing up. It not only was very good for my grandparents, it also created wonderful memories of the time I spent with them. The family bond was certainly enhanced by those times together. Nowadays, many families aren't as connected because of the mobility of our society. So it may be necessary to find other things to do besides playing with the grandkids. The suggestions below are only a few of the ways you can keep your mind active. Just like your body, your brain needs to be challenged.

  • Sudoku

  • Card Games

  • Chess

  • Scrabble

  • Trivia

  • Bridge

  • Online games (there are an endless amount of them)

  • Adult coloring books

  • Word search

Finally, I would like to add, growing older and reaching the age that might scare you a bit can absolutely be some of the best times of your life. The kids are grown, finances aren't as tight, working a day job has ended, and other real benefits to living a retirement lifestyle have arrived. And you are in the driver's seat!

It also is a time for all of us to make sure we do our part to stay healthy, active and productive in the world we are now living. That includes taking the best care of both your body and your brain. Enjoy every moment of it...



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