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5 Steps to Detox Your Mind

Do you ever feel like you need to just clear out your mind, and then reboot? When things get too cluttered on our computers, that's exactly what we do. Learn how to actually Detox your mind, so you can get back on track and plug back in to a healthier mindset.

What happens when you start to detox your mind? Whether you are detoxing the brain or detoxing the body, they both seems to cleanse the whole body. If you detox the brain, you detox the body and vice versa. So above all, be kind to yourself and take each day as a path to a healthier life.

As we age, there can be a lot of things going on that tend to 'clutter up our mind'. It's important that we learn some productive ways to shut down from all the noise that goes on in our minds. Below, I describe 5 ways to detox your mind and re-adjust your perspectives that may lead to a healthier overall mindset

Step # 1-Declutter Your Physical Space

Believe it or not, step #1 doesn't have anything to do with your mind or body...well, actually it does, but you may not think so at first. Start with picking a room in your home that feels really cluttered to you, (if you don't have a room, think about a closet or even a drawer) When you walk in, you usually just want to turn around and walk out; it's just too overwhelming. Push yourself to commit to cleaning up and decluttering the space. It may take you a day or two, but be sure to get it to where it doesn't feel cluttered and your time in that room feels good.

Step # 2-Take a Break From Your Technology

This one is really hard for me which probably means I need to practice it much more than I do now. And that is pulling away from my technology and do a digital detox; this doesn't have to be a massive withdrawal from your devices. You can start small by leaving your device home while you enjoy some time outside. Another idea is to simply take a day off occasionally and don't turn your devices on for an entire day.

Some other tech-free activities you might want to try:

* Make it a low-tech day. Keep your television, computer, cellphone and other electronics turned off.

* Find a way to spend time daily meditating. It you don't know how, google it and see what all is available. Youtube can be a great resource also.

* Enroll in yoga class close to home.

* Stretching exercises at home are very helpful.

* Bathing can be very relaxing. Don't take your phone into the bathroom so you can focus and enjoy your time in the warm water. Adding Epsom Salts or CBD Bath Bombs can be vey relaxing addition to your bath. I use our Bath Bombs from Hempworx about once a week.

Step # 3-Healthy Ways to Deal With Your Thoughts

Take a day to cleanse your mind. Painful memories from your past can keep you 'stuck' in thoughts that are harmful to you. Some suggestions to help you get 'unstuck' with these repetitive thoughts include things like

starting a personal ritual, such as writing a letter (you don't have to send it!) to get out your feelings. Get yourself a beautiful personal journal to give yourself a regular outlet for all your emotions, regrets, and worries. And create a welcoming comfortable environment that helps clear your mind. Don't push these emotions away. Harness them and move on as a smarter person.

Step # 4-Spend Time Outdoors

Time spent outdoors is powerful. It increased energy levels to your mind and body. You should see improvement in both your physical and mental health. Spending time outdoors can lower your stress levels, enhance concentration, and quiets the mind. Take a walk, sit by a lake, listen to your favorite tunes, just be present in nature. With this kind of power, getting outdoors may just be the best way to detox your mind. And it cost you nothing...

Step # 5-Don't Be Afraid To Say 'NO'

Many of us live very busy lives and much of our time can be spent 'doing' for others. And, especially as a woman, we tend to take on more than is actually good for us. Whether that is running a family or a business. Each thing we do might work better if we learn to say 'NO' more often to others and 'Yes' more often to ourselves. Don't be afraid to add some time for yourself on your calendar, and delete activities on your calendars that others can actually do. This can be really hard, at times, because we are so used to taking care of everything. I think learning to say 'No' can be really hard. Doing it though, can make you healthier and the relationships around you, better.

In Conclusion

It may not be easy at first, but is well worth the effort when you begin to detox your mind. It says you are worth it and it may even prolong your life. Sometimes it's beneficial to find an accountability partner that you check in with to help each other stay on track. This can be great for both of you. The healthier you are and the better you take care of yourself will lead you to a more balanced and healthy life.



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