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Discount Travel Business

Updated: Feb 25

Why do people travel? There is certainly not just one reason. In fact, there are many reasons. Have you ever been on a plane and looked around at the other passengers, wondering ‘why’ they are on this journey? Traveling is expensive and can be a challenging experience. Recently, a friend of mine spent two nights in an airport because of glitches and slept on the floor both nights. She arrived home 2 days later. It cost her more money and she lost time from her job. And those stories are happening more frequently. BUT even with situations like that, it doesn’t seem to deter folks from traveling. And, in some cases people save for years to take their ‘dream vacation’.

Here are just a few reasons why people choose to travel

1. Family Vacations

2. Business Trips

3. Special Events

(Graduation/Weddings/ Birthdays)

4. Holidays

5. Death or Illness of Someone

6. Adventure Trip

(Dude Ranch, Skiing Trip)

7. Educational Experience

(Culinary Classes/Art Instruction)

8. Solo Trips

One thing that the general public may not understand is how certain travel platforms seem to control almost all travel prices. Priceline, Expedia and others dominate the industry when you book travel, at least it sure appears that way. However, that is definitely not always the case. If you are lucky enough to have access to some other travel options, you may find offers that offer substantial savings

In this article I am sharing the benefits of Prepaid Travel. The travel industry is a trillion dollar industry and seems to be stronger than ever after struggling terribly during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Prepaid Travel has become the choice of many travelers more often than the membership model. Memberships expire and Prepaid does not. One thing we learned through our recent health pandemic, things can change quickly and memberships expire! And, that can be frustrating and 'expensive'.

In this prepaid program you purchase travel cards (there are inexpensive packages up to more expensive packages). The more expensive the package the better savings you get. When you use a portion of your travel card savings, the balance always stays in your account. When your balance gets low, you have the option of purchasing more. THERE IS NO EXPIRATION DATE with the prepaid program. As a Rep/Affiliate, you also have access to the travel savings cards at the same price as customers.

There are numerous discounts in both memberships and prepaid programs in the travel industry. You will see discounts on hotels, cruises, airfare, rental cars and more…

Both types of travel programs also have other savings on entertainment, food, movies, etc. including local savings. When using these in the Prepaid Program, no travel card savings are deducted. When the membership runs out, you can lose access to the other benefits. Always read the fine print of any program you decide to use. RE HIGH LIFE TRAVEL: If you are only interested in looking at the travel as a customer, you would sign up as a Customer. If you are only interested in the Business, sign up as an Affiliate.

There is no cost to become a Customer or an Affiliate. As an Affiliate, you earn commissions on the prepaid packages your customers purchase.


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