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Nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight.

Nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight. More than 1 in 3 men (34.1%) and more than 1 in 4 women (27.5%) are overweight. More than 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) have obesity (including severe obesity).

WOW, the statistics are staggering. And the weight loss industry is hard at work trying to figure out HOW to help millions of people overcome this health threatening issue. Weight loss is a multi-million dollar problem, and the health profession and pharmaceutical industry has never really won the battle against it for the millions of people struggling with their weight. However, progress is being made, and recently there have been some breakthroughs.

Some prescription products, in the form of shots, were promising. However, the reports of side effects have been frustrating, and it is being re-looked at.

Recently, there have been some supplements manufactured that are being considered as breakthrough products in the weight loss arena. One, in particular, is from a health company that promotes a variety of 'Gut Health Products', with their most recent product directly focusing on gut health and weight loss. And, it is a DRINK, instead of a shot or pill.

The company has just pre-launched their newest product with a resounding $1,500,000 in sales in the first 3 hours of releasing it. Many of the people in the sales force have been 'testers' since early 2024, with amazing results.

This new product, in combination with one other gut health product that was released in October 2023, are being sold as a kit. The kit will be released to the public in mid May 2024. Prior to the May 2024 date, interested folks can get access to this kit only from current associates/resellers with the company OR may become an associate themselves and buy directly from the site.

Those interested in getting in on the Pre-Launch and becoming a tester/associate, can join the business at this site. There is a $99 cost to join the company as a re-seller. Click Here and then hit the JOIN Button at the top of the page. If you choose tis option, you may promote the products and earn commissions.

To order for yourself after joining, log into your newly created account. At the menu bar at the top of your page, you will click on DHS PREORDER (Remember, only associates can pre-order from their back office until mid May, 2024). From there, you place your order for your new Weight Loss Kit. Orders placed in the month of March will be shipped on March 28th. Orders placed AFTER March 28th, will be shipped after orders are placed.

Another way to get the product in your hands, prior to the Official Launch in May, is to reach out to me and I will place your order for you. Kits are shipping out March 28th, 2024. (Early testers have had the products since early February, 2024)

The cost is a total of $155 for the kit + shipping (that is usually around $12).

If this is your preferred method, email me at

For some valuable additional information please Visit This Site or email me at the email address above.


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