Inflation is a time when prices begin to cause havoc on our budgeted money, along with our discretionary money. When inflation happens, we have to start making difficult choices because the cost of goods and services are rising and our available cash isn’t! And choices of 'WHERE' to spend our money become harder.
We all begin to question our daily spending habits because inflation can reach into almost every part of our lives. Here’s a list of just some of the places where we all feel the effects of inflation.
Gas Stations
Grocery Stores
Delivery Services
Home Repairs
One of the main drivers of inflation are rising fuel costs that effect every aspect of our lives. It, of course, causes disruptions to us on a personal level when we are driving the kids to school, ourselves to work, or taking a car trip. And, globally, when prices of fuel rise, it is always passed onto the consumer (us). When you look at the list above, the common denominator is fuel to either get the goods to the store or drivers bringing things to your home.
Most of us have learned to cut corners by driving less, shopping smarter, and sometimes just 'going without'. However, there are some areas in our lives that cutting corners or going without can take quite a toll on our health. And, without good health, our quality of life can be quickly compromised.
One particularly expensive area where the cost of products almost always excludes people struggling with inflation is healthy supplements and vitamins that are recommended by our health care professionals. My doctors are always encouraging me to make sure I include Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, and a Multivitamin for Women. These are in addition to my Cholesterol Meds. The good news is my Cholesterol Meds are covered by my insurance, BUT the supplements are not.
Just recently, I was introduced to a brand new company that seems to be paying attention to the needs of the peoples and has promised to cut out the middleman. Their vitamins and supplements cost a fraction of what the bigger companies are charging for the same quality products...and that includes the big box stores like SAMS and COSTCO.
Much more than just Protein! On top of the highest quality, best performing proteins on the planet, our benefits don’t end there! We’ve packed this product with 26 Vitamins and Minerals essential to your body’s health. With everything from Vitamin B for energy production, Iron for building muscle, and even Iodine for metabolism, our Complete Plant-Based Protein POWERS your body in more ways than any other protein on the planet! As if the benefits weren’t exciting enough, our delicious vanilla flavored powder can be mixed with water or blended with your favorite smoothie, for a healthy supplement to your diet any time of day!

Bio-Active Complete Multi-Vitamin for Women with Iron
Most women are not getting enough vitamins and minerals in their everyday diets.
These vitamin deficiencies can cause all kinds of health problems: a weaker immune system, hair loss, skin problems, poor vision, loss of bone density, even weight gain and other more serious health conditions.
That’s why EVERYONE should be taking a high-quality multivitamin every day.
A good multivitamin will help fill those nutritional gaps, and help prevent a multitude of potential health issues.
Our LiveGood Bio-Active Complete Multivitamin for Women is strategically formulated with the highest quality ingredients at the optimal dosages to give your body 24 different vitamins and minerals that most people are not fully getting from their food…all for a price that everyone can afford.
And because women need more iron to make up for the amount they lose in their menstrual cycle, our Multivitamin for Women includes the highest quality iron for your body.
Help boost your immune system, support cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, maintain healthy eyesight and bone strength, promote healthy aging, and so much more!
Here is the Mission Statement of this BRAND NEW Health and Wellness Company that promises to bring you quality products at a price we can all afford
'To Help People Get Healthy, And Stay Healthy Without Having To Spend A Fortune To Do It.'
With over 92% of Americans deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals, most people are not getting everything their body needs from food. The longer your body goes without the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, you don't digest food properly, your organs fail to function at peak levels and your immune system breaks down. All of which can be avoided through proper supplementation.