How did we function before there was technology? Actually, we did just fine. But that is not really the case anymore. Being tech savvy is really an important skill that can help you save lots of money, and time. And, even if you don't go in that direction, just learn to have fun with it.
I can remember when I was teaching and things were just beginning to change in the area of technology. Some of the younger teachers were already way ahead of us, more experienced, and learned how to use it very easily. I heard some of the older teachers grousing a bit about having to 'learn' all this new stuff. I thought it a bit strange that there was as much resistance as there was. After all, we were the educators, and pretty quickly it became apparent that we should probably jump on board or we might end up being left in the dust. And, not only that, it was our job to learn as much as possible as it was certainly 'the way of the future'.
As a teacher, with little tech experience, I actually had the kids help teach me about technology. I also saw such a benefit for starting kids off on the computer on educational games that were great. The best part of that was that they could win or lose a game on the computer, and never feel like a failure. I pretty quickly saw them gain confidence that they hadn't had before. And, it seemed as though they gained more of an appreciation for learning. Today, kids are entering school with lots of tech experience, but they still are missing some valuable skills that could very easily be a path to a very lucrative career. I assume there are lots of classes in the upper grades that will prepare the kids for the future.
Technology quickly became a great tool while I was teaching; from taking attendance, recording grades and preparing report cards, and learning how to use email. Then it morphed into using it as a research tool for teaching content. It was a fun time for me as I was learning how to apply it in my career.
Life was beginning to become easier, as the breakthrough for me was happening. I was on my way to becoming a 'techy', sort of. And the best part of it was teaching my elderly mother to dip her toe into technology. She lived in Illinois and I was in Florida. We emailed back and forth and she learned to play lots of fun games that helped her pass her time. Because she had a very significant hearing loss, it provided some joy in her life that had been missing.
Fast forward to today. There are so many different types of technology, that it has become a massive industry. I personally have a Laptop, an iPad, an iPhone, and an iWatch. I have a Smart TV, and I do most of my banking online. I guess it's pretty obvious that I am an 'Apple' kind of girl. I swear by Apple Products and am mostly impressed by their security they have to protect from hackers.
So, what should you do if you want to learn more on how to get started with technology? First off, don't be afraid to ask questions. It's the best way to gather information. I understand that can be hard sometimes, mostly because we don't always know what questions to ask. Maybe ask a friend to go with you when you start looking at new devices. It's a process, so expect to be a little confused and visit different places until you feel comfortable.
If you buy a new Apple Product, Apple offers outstanding Support, including classes where they teach you how to use your new device. On Facebook there are Facebook Groups you can join that will match what you are looking for. You can easily find a group for 'beginning computer users', etc. YouTube is also a great resource when searching anything. If you start your search with "How..." you will get good results.
Here are a few examples of questions you can get answered on YouTube related to technology after you get a new device and a little training first.
"How do I send a text?"
"How can I send an email?"
"How do I reply to an email?"
"How can I get my computer repaired?"
"How do I set up my new iPad?"
"How can I add an APP to my device?"
"How do I add contacts to my phone?"
"How can I find Computer classes"?
"Should I buy insurance for my new computer?"
Other videos on YouTube are's a few examples:
"How to cook a meal in an Instant pot?" (You can find hundreds of specific recipes on YouTube)
"How can I start a Blog?"
"How do I get started on Facebook?"
"How can I unclog my sink"?
"How can I repair my dishwasher?"
"How much should I pay for my new Tesla 😂?"
and on and on...
The bottom line, in my opinion, TECHNOLOGY is our friend. Use it as much as you want or as little as you want, but use it. It's a great way to stay in touch with friends and family through email and texting, especially if you don't live close. And, there are tons of fun games from Solitaire to Casino games. But, it has so many more uses. Take that first step and enjoy...