In my opinion, the technology we have available today in our lives, is one of the 'worst' kept secrets for Seniors. During these very uncertain times, due to the health pandemic, there's never been a better time to really 'get plugged in' and take advantage of what technology has to offer.
I LOVE MY TECHNOLGY and almost missed the opportunity myself. I listened to some of my friends, teachers no less, dig their heals in and take pride in refusing to move forward with the new wave of technology. It finally dawned on me that I was only hurting myself and that, unless I didn't want to miss the train when it left the station, I better get my ticket and jump on. And that's exactly what I did, and I now spend much of my time helping others learn how much value can be found by embracing technology, instead of fighting it.
My intent in this series of articles on technology is to introduce you to the many different devices that are on the market and review and compare some of the different brands. My goal is to give you enough information with access to customer reviews, etc, so that if you decide to venture out and purchase a piece of technology, you will have the information to make a good choice and, even more importanly, help you have the confidence, that once you get a new device, you won't be afraid to jump in and get started.
Here are just a few things that I believe that every man, woman, and child should have access to in this technology era.
Every home needs access to wifi
Every home should have access to Mobile devices
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities should have access to wifi
Seniors need access to email and text messages
Seniors should all have at least one device for communication in case of an emergency